0 Survived Because its Stomach

His movements were slow. For many people, he was not at all pretty. However, his stomach was incredible! What are we talking about? Puffer or porcupine puffer fish. When threatened, the creature is "experiencing an amazing transformation," said the magazine Natural History. His body, which grew up along the approximately 50 centimeters, bloated "until the fish is equal to three times normal size and a rigid sphere that is almost perfectly round proper for swimming but very powerful way to scare off his attacker."

This fish inflates itself by pumping water into the stomach, which expands to nearly one hundred times the normal volume! Puffer fish reaches an astonishing achievement is thanks to the concept of a simple and elegant - the folds.

Actually, belly bloated fish consists of folds after folds, Natural History explains. Crease of the largest width approximately three millimeters "with smaller folds in each fold, and so on, until the folds are so small that only can be viewed through a microscope," says the article.

Of course, the skin of puffer fish should expand along with the stomach. In order to do so, the skin, which consists of two layers, using two different principles. Similar to her belly, coating it folded, but the outer layer of elastic. This elastic layer that prevents the skin becomes wrinkled, which can reduce the agility and speed, when it deflated puffer fish.
But to ward off potential predators, not simply swell the puffer fish themselves. As the skin is stretched, clothes thorny segea become erect. So, if you're diving and saw puffer fish do not touch it! And, also beware of his mouth; bite can get to the bone!


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