You want to create a blog?
check this out
- The first thing to do is we must create a gmail account. This is the username to sign up on Blogger. If you do not have, you can make in If you've got is time access to Blogger at
- If you don't already have a Google account, you'll need to create one by completing the form on this page, fill out the form correctly
> Email address = Should already be in Gmail
> Retype email address = Confirm email address writing
> Enter a password = typing a password, different or the same as the email password is not a problem, but for safety's sake and not hard to remember, created the same.
> Retype password = Password Confirm writing > Display Name = is the name of em (can be changed to the next)
> Word Verification = write on the box according to the word that appears in the picture
> Acceptance of Terms = checklist
After all loaded correctly, click on the picture reads "Continue"
- If you already have a Google account, you can bypass the "Create Google Account" step and simply sign in with your existing Google account username and password.
- Enter the blog name and corresponding domain name (to precede '') in the spaces provided.
> Blog address (URL) = is the address of your blog or commonly called a URL (could be changed to the next)
Then click the "Continue"
- Select a standard template for your new blog. Then click the "Continue"
- Your blog is now live and ready for you to start writing content.
- To get started blogging and go straight to the page automatically make the article, click "START POSTING"
- That's all there is to it! You're now ready to write your first blog post in your new blog and join the blogosphere.
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